The Knights of Columbus Council #8144 will hold our famous Lenten Baked Haddock Dinners from 5-6:15 PM at St Maximilian Kolbe Parish Hall on Fridays during Lent.***
Meals will be eat-in or take out and will consist or Baked Haddock, Macaroni and Cheese, Potato, Mixed Vegetables, Coleslaw and Dessert. Coffee and Punch are included with eat-in meals. The cost for the dinner will be $12 for an adult, $5 for children under 12 and $30 for a family. Minors 18 and under will need to be accompanied by an adult to purchase a ticket, stand in the buffet line or get dessert.
***There will be no Lenten dinner on March 15, which is being replaced by a St. Patrick’s Day dinner on March 16.