As a parish, over the last two years, we have adopted the theme of Living in Jesus, Loving as He Loves to deepen our understanding of how God is calling us to know, love and serve Him. At the end of September, everyone on our active mailing list will receive a brochure highlighting some of the ways we do this at St. John Paul II Parish. (Additional copies will be available in all our parish churches.)
St. John Paul II Parish is a vibrant community because of you. You are vital to our work of building the Kingdom of God in our local community. It is through your gifts that we are able to continue to grow our programming and ministries.Our parish is in a healthy financial position due to the generosity of our parishioners through the Sunday Offertory, planned gifts and bequests. Please take a moment to renew your offertory commitment by completing and returning the card you received in the mail, or electronically through the link below.