Lent is a 40-day journey of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Each day during Lent, we have the opportunity to be inspired by the stories of people and communities from around the world, and to take time to set aside a little of ourselves to make room for a stranger.
This lent, you are invited through CRS Rice Bowls to journey with Christ from the desert to resurrection; through fear to fortitude, recognizing God’s invitation to reach out beyond ourselves to encounter the needs of all.
Your Lenten alms through CRS Rice Bowl make a global difference for millions of our sisters and brothers experiencing the greatest need. The bowl itself, a symbol of both hunger and hope, is used to collect funds for those in need.
Please collect your Rice Bowl from the Lenten Resources Table located in the narthex of each church. You can return them to the Parish by placing them into one of the collection baskets during Mass, before Holy Thursday.