Monday-Friday Daily Masses
When winter weather causes South Portland, Scarborough, or Cape Elizabeth schools to close or have a delayed start, one daily Mass will be celebrated at St. Maximilian Kolbe Church at 8:00 AM. If schools are not in session (i.e., holiday or vacation), please check the parish website.
Saturday & Sunday Masses
Saturday evening and Sunday Masses are rarely cancelled due to winter weather. Please check our parish website, parish social media, or check for a recorded greeting (883-0334) to find out if Mass has been cancelled. Parishioners registered with Flocknote will also receive notification if weekend Masses are cancelled.
Parish Office Closure & Event Cancellation
The Parish Office will also be closed if Scarborough schools are closed due to a storm. If Scarborough schools are delayed or dismissed early due to weather, the Parish Office will follow those delays or dismissals. All faith formation programming and parish events will also be canceled. If schools are not in session, please check the parish website.
Mass Intentions
All scheduled Mass intentions will be celebrated at the daily Mass at St. Maximilian Kolbe or in a private Mass by our priests. Mass intentions will not be rescheduled.